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1 weeks fishing on the River Earn, Crieff, for 3 rods commencing 12 Sept 2016
Sports > Activities

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
70106 £100.00 4 £200.00

Winning Bid Amount


1 week's fishing on the River Earn, Lochlane and Laggan Fishing, Crieff, for 3 rods.

The week commencing Monday the 12th September 2016.

4 beats over 2.5 miles of double bank with good 5 year average of both salmon and sea trout.

The River Earn is the southernmost river within the world famous Tay system, and runs through the picturesque area of Strathearn, Perthshire. It is famous as being one of Scotland’s most prolific Sea Trout rivers, and the home of some large salmon.

Lochlane and Laggan has some of the finest of these pools and glides and nestles within the Strathearn Valley between Comrie and Crieff, approximately 27 miles from the sea. 

Kindly donated by The Mercer Family